At first it sounds simple. Nonetheless, there are a few "gotchas".
1. Interrupt vectors.
Interrupts vectors are the addresses of the routines run when interrupts are triggered. There are 4 of them. I will not describe them here, but the most important one is the RESET IRQ vector. It specifies the address of the first instruction to run when the console is powered on. This address must be in the first ROM page. Basically this is what you will have:
Code: Select all
.bank 0
.org $fff6
.dw irq_2 ; irq 2
.dw irq_1 ; irq 1
.dw irq_timer ; timer
.dw irq_nmi ; nmi
.dw irq_reset ; reset
.bank 0
.org $e000
; [...]
; [...]
; [...]
; [...]
; This is your "main" program code.
; Usually it is some setup code followed by an infinite loop.
bra .loop
Code: Select all
.bank 0
.org $fff6
.dw irq_dummy ; irq 2
.dw irq_dummy ; irq 1
.dw irq_dummy ; timer
.dw irq_dummy ; nmi
.dw irq_reset ; reset
.bank 0
.org $e000
; Even if we will not use any interrupt, it is safer and cleaner to declare a dummy one.
; This is your "main" program code.
; Usually it is some setup code followed by an infinite loop.
bra .loop
2. RESET IRQ vector.
As written in the previous section, this is the "boot" or startup program. There are couple of things to do before playing with graphics or sound.
The first thing is to disable interrupts with sei. In fact if you look at the vast majority (if not all) the PC Engine games, this is the first instruction executed. This will disable all the interrupts. It's a safeguard because all the MPRs, VDC, VCE, PSG, Status registered are unitialized at this point.
The next thing to do is to setup the CPU speed using csh to select high speed mode (7.16MHz) or csl for low speed mode (1.76MHz). At power-up the CPU is in low speed mode. The only time this mode is needed is during Backup RAM accesses.
The PC Engine supports the use of a decimal flag that will switch arythmetic operation to decimal mode. This means that numbers (and registers) are BCD encoded. Once again, this special feature is not needed. The decimal mode must then be disabled by calling the cld instruction.
The stack pointer must be set otherwise the stack instructions (pla, pha, ...) will produce weird results. This is done by using the txs which will use the value stored in the X register to set the value of the stack pointer. This pointer goes backward. It is decremented when something is pushed, and incremented when a byte is pulled from the stack. The stack is then empty when the stack pointer equals #$ff.
Code: Select all
ldx #$ff
To sum it up:
Code: Select all
sei ; disable interrupts
csh ; select the 7.16 MHz clock
cld ; clear the decimal flag
ldx #$FF ; initialize the stack pointer
lda #$FF ; map the I/O bank in the first page
tam #0
lda #$F8 ; and the RAM bank in the second page
tam #1
Code: Select all
stz $2000 ; clear all the RAM
tii $2000,$2001,$1FFF