For those unfamiliar or forgot or whatever, PC relative code is code that uses all branch, jump, jsr's relative to the PC. Why? So the code can be placed anywhere in memory and execute the same regardless of where it is in the PC address range. Normally, this is important for computers. Computers, large and small, dynamically load code or runtimes in free areas of memory. If the area is dynamic, you can't use absolute address for branchs, jumps, and calls.
The HuC6280 kinda lacks this. I say kinda, but it actually does have the two instructions needed just for this type of environment; BSR and BRA. Both take a signed offset to add the to current PC. Problem is, it's only 8 bit. And 8bit signed is only -/+127 bytes. That's not terribly useful.
Secondly, you might be asking why would this even be a concern or need on the PCE? Well, easy. Memory is mapped in and out into 8k pages. Similar to loading and unloading code on a PC (note: I said similar, not exact). So the concept, or rather, the end result is desirable for one reason. Being able to map in an 8k bank into any free MPR and start executing code. Normally, you have to know what MPR to map bank to because you have a hardoffset in the CPUs logical address range, and this corresponds to that.
That got me thinking. What if there were a way to write PC relative code on the PCE? So, here are a few ideas I played around with...
a very generic method:
Code: Select all
Jmp offset+PC
Code: Select all
jsr $+3 ; <- $ is the current PC.
adc #low(offset)
sta <zp
adc #high(offset)
sta <zp+1
jmp [zp] ; <- the full address of ZP. You could substitute ABS for ZP as the cost of +2 cycles.
When you call and map the bank into the corresponding page, manually OR a table entry with the upper 3bits to form the correct
address in the table. You're basically calculating the effective address to the corresponding bank.
You'd do this one time for each MPR change of the bank (so for say a certain level, you want the bank mapped to MPR3 your alter it
once at the very beginning. I.e. initialize it and be done with it. If you ever remap it to another MPR range, you'd have to redo the
It'd look something like this
Code: Select all
jmp $offset+PC
Code: Select all
ldx #$nn ; <- this is the table entry for the bank
jmp [table,x]
you'd have in a single 8k bank of relative code?
One optimization is to have multiple precalculated tables and you simply copy them into ram when reconfiguring for a different MPR range.
This is based on a rom setup. CDRAM of course could be a optimized somewhat. JMP [$nnnn,x] could be replaced with normal JMP, assuming
you have the of what opcodes to change. Again, preprocessing the code before usage.
So far, these are just relative jumps. What about relative JSRs?
Like the original method, here would be the JSR version:
Code: Select all
Jsr offset+PC
Code: Select all
jsr .skip ;<- automatically jumps to .skip label
bra .end ;<- but this is the return address
jsr $+3 ; <- $ is the current PC.
adc #low(offset)
sta <zp
adc #high(offset)
sta <zp+1
jmp [zp] ; <- the full address of ZP. You could substitute ABS for ZP as the cost of +2 cycles.
Now version based on the second method:
Code: Select all
jsr $offset+PC
Code: Select all
jsr .skip
bra .end
ldx #$nn ; <- this is the table entry for the bank
jmp [table,x]
The first method has the advantage that it requires no pre-processing. It's slower though. You'd have to be more resourceful with BSR and BRA as much
as you can to cut back on the macro usage. But for code that's not particular to speed, but more to flexibility - this is a definite solutions. The second method it a bit more complex because it requires a preprocessor each time your change the location of where the bank of code is mapped to (different location, same location requires no preprocessor). The benefit though, as you can see, is an increase in speed for the pseudo instructions.
Also keep in mind that if you need to preserve either A or X on these relative branches or calls, you'll need additional overhead for that. Most of the time I don't . And now for the really bizarre. Being this code existing on the "cart" side of the address range, you could have an external device monitor and track which opcodes are being fetched - and modified them on the fly (basically effective addressing by external means). But that's extreme and highly unlikely anyone would build such a device.
Anyway, this doesn't have a wide applicable/application range. The need for something like this would be pretty specific, but I find that the more I optimize and the more I tend to reserve off sections of the logical address range - the more I need to substitute some functionality similar to this. And for the record, the external hardware method is the best, so it's only obvious and fair that no one will ever use that method on the PCE. Another missed opportunity be NEC for the system card 3.0 upgrade

So, with the above describe... what are some of your ideas/implementations of how you'd go about doing this (or something very similar)? Let the voodoo code pasting begin

Just a few more ideas/methods:
Code: Select all
jmp $offset+pc
Code: Select all
lda #low(offset)
sta <zp
lda #high(offset)
ora <zp ;<- a special EA value you could load once for the preprocessor. Super tiny overhead on the preprocessor side, little bit more over head on operation side.
sta <zp+1
jmp [zp] ;<- again, you use the full absolute address of the ZP address
Code: Select all
jsr $offset+pc
Code: Select all
jsr .skip
bra .end
lda #low(offset)
sta <zp
lda #high(offset)
ora <zp ;<- a special EA value you could load once for the preprocessor. Super tiny overhead on the preprocessor side, little bit more over head on operation side.
sta <zp+1
jmp [zp] ;<- again, you use the full absolute address of the ZP address

Edit: I'll update some macros for this in a bit. But it just dawned on me, that since you're doing this method with JSR, you know have a JSR.r [indirect] and JSR.r [indirect,x] pseudo instructions with just a slight detection in the macro logic (".r" meaning relative addressing. Left over mannerisms of other assemblers >_> ).