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HuC6280A Pin Assignment

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:48 am
by iskk
Sorry if this is off-topic.

I took the HuC6280A apart from the PCB of my PC Engine Core Grafx. :o
While the initial version of PC Engine (the white one) I also own has HuC6280
(without 'A') in it, I decided to take HuC6280A apart from my Core Grafx,
since it had its cover already removed, and TG16 probably has HuC6280A too.

I traced pin connections of the chip. I haven't traced the audio circuitry yet,
so any "AUDIO OUTPUT?" pins may be wrong. It seems there are too many
audio output pins. :?

I see many pins are NC. Is there any possibility that some NC pins actually
output some useful signals such as strobes for DRAM access & refresh?
I' going to wire the HuC6280A chip on a universal board to verify the below
information and do some more tests & research.

If you know anything in addition, please let me know.

PU4.7k = pulled up with 4.7k Ohm resistor
NC = no connection
Vcc = connected to Vcc via slightly wider pattern (so it's probably Vcc)
GND = connected to GND via slightly wider pattern (so it's probably GND)

HuC6280A pin assignment
1 A5
2 A4
3 A3
4 A2
5 A1
6 A0
8 Vcc
9 NC
10 CLK INPUT (21.47727MHz)
12 /RDY? connected to VDC#78 and CN102 B#19, PU4.7k
13 CLK OUTPUT (1.789772 / 7.159090MHz)
14 HSM
15 ??? (connected to Vcc via narrow pattern)
16 ??? (connected to GND via narrow pattern)
19 Analog Vcc? (connected to Vcc via narrow pattern)
20 AUDIO OUTPUT? (connected to C358C #5)
21 Analog GND? (connected to GND via narrow pattern)
22 Pad D0
23 NC
24 Pad D1
25 Pad D2
26 Pad D3
27 NC
28 NC
29 NC
31 Pad SEL
32 Pad CLR
33 NC
34 NC
35 NC
36 NC
37 NC
38 NC
39 NC
40 NC
41 NC
42 NC
43 /IRQ2 INPUT (connected to HuCARD #37, PU4.7k)
44 /IRQ1 INPUT? (connected to VDC #77, PU4.7k)
45 /NMI INPUT? (PU4.7k)
46 NC
47 Vcc
48 GND
49 D0, PU4.7k
50 D1, PU4.7k
51 D2, PU4.7k
52 D3, PU4.7k
53 D4, PU4.7k
54 D5, PU4.7k
55 D6, PU4.7k
56 D7, PU4.7k
57 Vcc
58 GND
59 /VCECS? (connected to VCE #79)
60 /VDCCS? (connected to VDC #1)
62 /RD
63 /WR
64 A20
65 A19
66 A18
67 A17
68 A16
69 A15
70 A14
71 A13
72 A12
73 A11
74 A10
75 ??? (connected to GND via narrow pattern)
76 ??? (connected to Vcc via narrow pattern)
77 A9
78 A8
79 A7
80 A6


Re: HuC6280A Pin Assignment

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:52 pm
by tomaitheous
Are you absolutely positive that you have an A revision? Of all the systems I've taken apart, only the SGX has the A revision of the CPU. Was it a Core Grafx 1 or 2? My US Duo has a non-revision A as well as 3 TG16's that I've seen apart.

You can tell the difference between the revisions because the A versions have a fix for the audio unit. On the non A revisions, turning on and off a channel causes a fast 'pop'. On the A revision, there's no 'pop'. The reason I found this out was because I was using the TIMER interrupt to refill the channel buffer to playback 44khz sample streams with a 1.4khz timer interrupt. The popping noise at 1.4khz creates a loud buzzing sound on non 'A' revisions.

I know on Charles Core grafx, he gets the buzzing sound from the demo.

I wonder if any of the NC pins connect to something on the SGX (maybe for the compatibility switch)? I've also been curious of the 6260A pinout vs the non 'A' revision. I've also only seen the 6260A in SGX systems.

Re: HuC6280A Pin Assignment

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:33 pm
by Charles MacDonald
Here's all the custom chip pinouts. I'm cutting and pasting from my notes so excuse any spelling errors or obvious mistakes. :D


Code: Select all

 HuC6280 pin assignments

 Pin  Signal    Dir

  1 - A5        o               Address bit 5
  2 - A4        o               Address bit 4
  3 - A3        o               Address bit 3
  4 - A2        o               Address bit 2
  5 - A1        o               Address bit 1
  6 - A0        o               Address bit 0
  7 - GND       s               Ground
  8 - +5V       s               Power supply
  9 - XOUT      o               Output for a crystal, not used.
 10 - XIN       i               21.477270 MHz clock input (OSC1)
 11 - /RESET    i               Reset signal input
 12 - RDY       i               Insert wait state while pulled low
 13 - SX        o               Complementary CPU clock (7.16 or 1.79 MHz)
 14 - HSM       o               High Speed Mode (1= 7.16, 0= 1.78 MHz)
 15 - +5V       s               Ground
 16 - GND       s               Power supply                 
 17 - LOUT      o               Audio output, left channel
 18 - ROUT      o               Audio output, right channel
 19 - VCC       s               +5V for PSG
 20 - VEE       s               +2.5V for PSG 
 21 - AGND      s               Ground for PSG
 22 - K0        i               Input port K ($1000.D0)
 23 - ???       -               Has pull-up to +5V. Active high pulses at irregular intervals.
 24 - K1        i               Input port K ($1000.D1)
 25 - K2        i               Input port K ($1000.D2)
 26 - K3        i               Input port K ($1000.D3)
 27 - K4        i               Input port K ($1000.D4)
 28 - K5        i               Input port K ($1000.D5)
 29 - K6        i               Input port K ($1000.D6)
 30 - K7        i               Input port K ($1000.D7)
 31 - O0        o               Output port O ($1000.D0)
 32 - O1        o               Output port O ($1000.D1)
 33 - O2        o               Output port O ($1000.D2)
 34 - O3        o               Output port O ($1000.D3)
 35 - O4        o               Output port O ($1000.D4)
 36 - O5        o               Output port O ($1000.D5)
 37 - O6        o               Output port O ($1000.D6)
 38 - O7        o               Output port O ($1000.D7)
 39 - ???       -               Always '1'
 40 - ???       -               Always '1'
 41 - ???       -               Always '1'
 42 - ???       -               Always '1'
 43 - /IRQ2     i               IRQ2 interrupt input
 44 - /IRQ1     i               IRQ1 interrupt input
 45 - /NMI      i               NMI interrupt input
 46 - SYNC      o               Memory read type; 1= Opcode fetch, 0= Not opcode fetch
 47 - +5V       s               Power supply
 48 - GND       s               Ground
 49 - D0        i/o             Data bus, bit 0
 50 - D1        i/o             Data bus, bit 1
 51 - D2        i/o             Data bus, bit 2
 52 - D3        i/o             Data bus, bit 3
 53 - D4        i/o             Data bus, bit 4
 54 - D5        i/o             Data bus, bit 5
 55 - D6        i/o             Data bus, bit 6
 56 - D7        i/o             Data bus, bit 7
 57 - +5V       s               Power supply
 58 - GND       s               Ground
 59 - /CEK      o               HuC6260 /CS (@ FF:0400-07FF)
 60 - /CE7      o               HuC6270 /CS (@ FF:0000-03FF)
 61 - /CER      o               Work RAM /CS (@ F8-FB:0000-1FFF)
 62 - /RD       o               Memory read strobe
 63 - /WR       o               Memory write strobe
 64 - A20       o               Address bus, bit 20
 65 - A19       o               Address bus, bit 19
 66 - A18       o               Address bus, bit 18
 67 - A17       o               Address bus, bit 17
 68 - A16       o               Address bus, bit 16
 69 - A15       o               Address bus, bit 15
 70 - A14       o               Address bus, bit 14
 71 - A13       o               Address bus, bit 13
 72 - A12       o               Address bus, bit 12
 73 - A11       o               Address bus, bit 11
 74 - A10       o               Address bus, bit 10
 75 - GND       s               Ground
 76 - +5V       s               Power supply
 77 - A9        o               Address bus, bit 9
 78 - A8        o               Address bus, bit 8
 79 - A7        o               Address bus, bit 7
 80 - A6        o               Address bus, bit 6

 * Test signals /EA1, /EA2, /EA3, /EAT are missing.
   Maybe they are pins 39-42

 * Pin 23 seems related BSY, A0, and SX like some strange combination
   of the three. Normally not connectedo.
 * On a Bloody Wolf PCB, a precision 2.5V reference supply is connected to
   VEE for the PSG. This is not used in the PCE and related consoles.

 * XOUT is related to XIN but shaped a little differently in terms of the
   pulse widths.


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 HuC6270 pin assignments
 (C) 2005  Charles MacDonald


 The HuC6270 Video Display Controller (VDC) is a 80-pin QFP in a plastic

 Chip types

 HuC6270    PC-Engine and compatible consoles
 DEV-01     Data East rebadged part used in Bloody Wolf

 There are 'A' revisions of other components in the C62 chipset, however I
 haven't seen a HuC6270A part yet. There may not be one.

 Pin ordering

       64        41
     65 +--------+ 40
        |        |
        |.       |
     80 '--------+ 25
        1        24

 Pin    Signal      Description
  1     /CS         VDC chip select
  2     /RD         Write strobe
  3     /WR         Read strobe
  4     D15         Data bus, bit 15 (*5)
  5     D14         Data bus, bit 14
  6     D13         Data bus, bit 13
  7     D12         Data bus, bit 12
  8     D11         Data bus, bit 11
  9     D10         Data bus, bit 10
 10     D9          Data bus, bit 9  
 11     Ground      Power supply
 12     D8          Data bus, bit 8
 13     D7          Data bus, bit 7
 14     D6          Data bus, bit 6
 15     D5          Data bus, bit 5
 16     D4          Data bus, bit 4
 17     D3          Data bus, bit 3
 18     Vcc         Power supply
 19     D2          Data bus, bit 2
 20     D1          Data bus, bit 1
 21     D0          Data bus, bit 0
 22     EX8//16     Data bus width select (0= 16-bit, 1= 8-bit) (*5)
 23     CK          Clock input 
 24     /RESET      Reset input
 25     /VSYNC      /VSYNC (*2)
 26     /HSYNC      /HSYNC (*2)
 27     DISP        Screen blanking status (0= blanked, 1= displayed)
 28     SPBG        Pixel bus (sprite/background indicator, 1= sprite, 0= background)
 29     VD7         Pixel bus (palette value, bit 3)
 30     VD6         Pixel bus (palette value, bit 2)
 31     VD5         Pixel bus (palette value, bit 1)
 32     Vcc         Power supply
 33     Ground      Power supply
 34     VD4         Pixel bus (palette value, bit 0)
 35     VD3         Pixel bus (pixel value, bit 3)
 36     VD2         Pixel bus (pixel value, bit 2)
 37     VD1         Pixel bus (pixel value, bit 1)
 38     VD0         Pixel bus (pixel value, bit 0)
 39     /MWR        VRAM write strobe
 40     /MRD        VRAM read strobe
 41     MD0a        VRAM data bus, bit 0a (*3)
 42     MD1a        VRAM data bus, bit 1a
 43     MD2a        VRAM data bus, bit 2a
 44     MD3a        VRAM data bus, bit 3a
 45     MD4a        VRAM data bus, bit 4a
 46     MD5a        VRAM data bus, bit 5a
 47     Vcc         Power supply
 48     MD6a        VRAM data bus, bit 6a
 49     MD7a        VRAM data bus, bit 7a
 50     MD0b        VRAM data bus, bit 0b (*3)
 51     MD1b        VRAM data bus, bit 1b
 52     MD2b        VRAM data bus, bit 2b
 53     MD3b        VRAM data bus, bit 3b
 54     MD4b        VRAM data bus, bit 4b
 55     Ground      Power supply
 56     MD5b        VRAM data bus, bit 5b
 57     MD6b        VRAM data bus, bit 6b
 58     MD7b        VRAM data bus, bit 7b
 59     MA0         VRAM address bus, bit 0
 60     MA1         VRAM address bus, bit 1
 61     MA2         VRAM address bus, bit 2
 62     MA3         VRAM address bus, bit 3
 63     MA4         VRAM address bus, bit 4
 64     MA5         VRAM address bus, bit 5
 65     MA6         VRAM address bus, bit 6
 66     MA7         VRAM address bus, bit 7
 67     MA8         VRAM address bus, bit 8
 68     MA9         VRAM address bus, bit 9 
 69     MA10        VRAM address bus, bit 10
 70     MA11        VRAM address bus, bit 11
 71     Ground      Power supply
 72     Vcc         Power supply
 73     MA12        VRAM address bus, bit 12
 74     MA13        VRAM address bus, bit 13
 75     MA14        VRAM address bus, bit 14
 76     MA15        VRAM address bus, bit 15 (*4)
 77     /IRQ        /IRQ output to HuC6280 /IRQ1 input
 78     BUSY        BUSY status output (*5)
 79     A0          Address bus, bit 0
 80     A1          Address bus, bit 1


 2.) These pins are /HSYNC and /VSYNC, however I don't know which is

     Depending on how the VDC is programmed these can be outputs (to
     directly drive the sync inputs of a monitor) or inputs (to synchronize
     the VDC output with another display generating device, such as the VCE).

 3.) The VRAM data bus is 16 bits, however I can't tell which is which
     so they are split into two 8-bit buses,'a' and 'b'.

 4.) Examples of use:

     Bloody Wolf PCB has 128K VRAM, split into two pairs of two 32Kx8
     chips. MA15 is /CS for first pair, and inverted MA15 is /CS for the
     second pair.

     The standard PCE/VCE hardwdare has 64K VRAM, split into one pair
     of two 32Kx8 chips. MA15 is /CS for this pair, so access to VRAM above
     the 64K boundary results in the chips being disabled and the data
     bus is not driven.

 5.) I don't have any hardware that uses these pins so their function has
     not been confirmed:

     D15-D8  : Ordering is guessed based on D7-D0 order.

     EX8//16 : Only pin that does not fit the pattern of where other power
               supply pins is present; and only 'spare' pin tied to +5V.


 Signal names are taken from the VDC patents, and are different from those
 listed in the Hippodrome schematics page that details the DEV-01 chip.
 For example HuC6280 'RDY' is DEV-01 'WAIT'.

 In Bloody Wolf, DISP is tied to the CLR input of a latch that outputs
 data to the video DAC. This forces the screen to be black when the
 display is blanked. This is mainly due to having the color generating
 hardware separate from the VDC.


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 * Need to find mappings for these:
   - EX8/16 (HIGH for 8-bit operation, should be +5V)
   - CESEL  ("output control signal" block diagram says it's an input,
              could it be a *display* output enable rather than CPU data bus
              output enable?)
   - D8     (bidirectional signal, should be N.C.)


       64        41
     65 +--------+ 40
        |        |
        |.       |
     80 '--------+ 25
        1        24

 Pin    Signal      Description
  1     +5V
  2     X21M-IN
  3     GND
  4     (N.C.)
  5     D7
  6     D6
  7     D5
  8     D4
  9     D3
 10     D2
 11     D1
 12     D0
 13     +5V
 14     GND
 15     GND
 16     +5V
 17     Thru C120 (+) 1uF @ 50V to (-) ground
 18     Thru C123 (+) 1uF @ 50V to (-) ground
 19     GND
 20     <Part of C-VIDEO circuit>
 21     +5V
 22     +5V
 23     Thru C126 (+) 1uF @ 50V to (-) ground
 24     Thru C125 (+) 1uF @ 50V to (-) ground
 25     GND
 26     <Part of C-VIDEO circuit>
 27     +5V
 28     +5V
 29     GND
 30     Thru C122 (+) 1uF @ 50V to (-) ground
 31     Thru C119 (+) 1uF @ 50V to (-) ground
 32     GND
 33     <Part of C-VIDEO circuit>
 34     +5V
 35     +5V
 36     +5V
 37     Thru C124 (+) 1uF @ 50V to (-) ground
 38     Thru C121 (+) 1uF @ 50V to (-) ground
 39     GND
 40     <Part of C-VIDEO circuit>
 41     +5V
 42     +5V
 43     Thru C118 (+) 10uF @ 50V to (-) ground (common w/ p46)
 44     C-SYNC
 45     +5V
 46     Thru C118 (+) 10uF @ 50V to (-) ground (common w/ p43)
 47     R-VIDEO
 48     GND
 49     G-VIDEO
 50     +5V
 51     B-VIDEO
 52     +5V
 53     +5V
 54     +5V
 55     GND
 56     GND
 57     +5V
 58     (N.C.)
 59     (N.C.)
 60     (N.C.)
 61     (N.C.)
 62     VD0
 63     VD1
 64     VD2
 65     VD3
 66     VD4
 67     VD5
 68     VD6
 69     VD7
 70     VD8
 71     /H-SYNC
 72     /V-SYNC
 73     CK
 74     A0
 75     A1
 76     A2
 77     /WR
 78     /RD
 79     /CEK        
 80     +5V


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 Pin assignments

 Hudson HuC6202
 80-pin plastic QFP

       64        41
     65 +--------+ 40
        |        |
        |.       |
     80 '--------+ 25
        1        24

 Pin  Type  Signal      Description
  1 - i     CPU A4      HuC6280 address bus, bit 4
  2 - s     GND         Ground
  3 - s     +5V         Power supply
  4 - i     CPU A3      HuC6280 address bus, bit 3
  5 - i     CPU A2      HuC6280 address bus, bit 2
  6 - i     CPU A1      HuC6280 address bus, bit 1
  7 - i     CPU A0      HuC6280 address bus, bit 0
  8 - i     CPU /WR     HuC6280 write strobe
  9 - i     CPU /RD     HuC6280 read strobe
 10 - i     CPU /CE7    HuC6280 /CS for $1FE000-$1FE3FF
 11 - i     CPU /CEK    HuC6280 /CS for $1FE400-$1FE7FF
 12 - i     CPU SYNC    HuC6280 opcode fetch (1= opcode, 0= operand/data)
 13 - s     GND         Ground
 14 - b     CPU D7      HuC6280 data bus, bit 7
 15 - b     CPU D6      HuC6280 data bus, bit 6
 16 - b     CPU D5      HuC6280 data bus, bit 5
 17 - b     CPU D4      HuC6280 data bus, bit 4
 18 - b     CPU D3      HuC6280 data bus, bit 3
 19 - b     CPU D2      HuC6280 data bus, bit 2
 20 - b     CPU D1      HuC6280 data bus, bit 1
 21 - b     CPU D0      HuC6280 data bus, bit 0
 22 - s     +5V         Power supply
 23 - s     GND         Ground
 24 - o     VCE /CS     HuC6260 (IC119) /CS
 25 - o     SA2         Secondary bus, address bit 2 (to IC119)
 26 - o     SA1         Secondary bus, address bit 1 (to IC104,108,119)
 27 - o     SA0         Secondary bus, address bit 0 (to IC104,108,119)
 28 - i     VCE CK      HuC6260 (IC119) pixel clock
 29 - s     GND         Ground
 30 - i     VCE /HSYNC  HuC6260 (IC119) horizontal sync
 31 - s     GND         Ground
 32 - o     VCE VD8     HuC6260 (IC119) video bus, bit 8
 33 - o     VCE VD7     HuC6260 (IC119) video bus, bit 7
 34 - o     VCE VD6     HuC6260 (IC119) video bus, bit 6
 35 - o     VCE VD5     HuC6260 (IC119) video bus, bit 5
 36 - o     VCE VD4     HuC6260 (IC119) video bus, bit 4
 37 - o     VCE VD3     HuC6260 (IC119) video bus, bit 3
 38 - o     VCE VD2     HuC6260 (IC119) video bus, bit 2
 39 - o     VCE VD1     HuC6260 (IC119) video bus, bit 1
 40 - o     VCE VD0     HuC6260 (IC119) video bus, bit 0
 41 - x     (N.C.)      Not used (1)
 42 - s     GND         Ground
 43 - s     +5V         Power supply
 44 - o     /SWR        Secondary bus: Write strobe
 45 - o     /SRD        Secondary bus: Read strobe
 46 - i     VDC #2 VD0  HuC6270 (IC108) video bus, bit 0
 47 - i     VDC #2 VD1  HuC6270 (IC108) video bus, bit 1
 48 - i     VDC #2 VD2  HuC6270 (IC108) video bus, bit 2
 49 - i     VDC #2 VD3  HuC6270 (IC108) video bus, bit 3
 50 - i     VDC #2 VD4  HuC6270 (IC108) video bus, bit 4
 51 - i     VDC #2 VD5  HuC6270 (IC108) video bus, bit 5
 52 - i     VDC #2 VD6  HuC6270 (IC108) video bus, bit 6
 53 - i     VDC #2 VD7  HuC6270 (IC108) video bus, bit 7
 54 - i     VDC #2 VD8  HuC6270 (IC108) video bus, bit 8
 55 - o     VDC #2 /CS  HuC6270 (IC108) /CS
 56 - o     VDC #1 /CS  HuC6270 (IC104) /CS
 57 - i     VDC #1 VD0  HuC6270 (IC104) video bus, bit 0
 58 - i     VDC #1 VD1  HuC6270 (IC104) video bus, bit 1
 59 - i     VDC #1 VD2  HuC6270 (IC104) video bus, bit 2
 60 - i     VDC #1 VD3  HuC6270 (IC104) video bus, bit 3
 61 - i     VDC #1 VD4  HuC6270 (IC104) video bus, bit 4
 62 - s     +5V         Power supply
 63 - s     GND         Ground
 64 - x     (N.C.)      Not used (1)
 65 - i     VDC #1 VD5  HuC6270 (IC104) video bus, bit 5
 66 - i     VDC #1 VD6  HuC6270 (IC104) video bus, bit 6
 67 - i     VDC #1 VD7  HuC6270 (IC104) video bus, bit 7
 68 - i     VDC #1 VD8  HuC6270 (IC104) video bus, bit 8
 69 - x     (N.C.)      Not used (1)
 70 - s     GND         Ground
 71 - b     SD0         Secondary bus: Data bus, bit 0
 72 - b     SD1         Secondary bus: Data bus, bit 1
 73 - b     SD2         Secondary bus: Data bus, bit 2
 74 - b     SD3         Secondary bus: Data bus, bit 3
 75 - b     SD4         Secondary bus: Data bus, bit 4
 76 - b     SD5         Secondary bus: Data bus, bit 5
 77 - b     SD6         Secondary bus: Data bus, bit 6
 78 - b     SD7         Secondary bus: Data bus, bit 7
 79 - i     MODE        VPC operating mode (0= PCE mode, 1= SGX mode) (2)
 80 - i     /RESET      Reset input

 1.) Function of N.C. pins are unknown. In the SuperGrafx they are not
     connected to anything.

 2.) The MODE pin should either be tied to ground or to +5V through a
     pull-up resistor.


Re: HuC6280A Pin Assignment

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:11 pm
by iskk
tomaitheous wrote:Are you absolutely positive that you have an A revision? Of all the systems I've taken apart, only the SGX has the A revision of the CPU. Was it a Core Grafx 1 or 2? My US Duo has a non-revision A as well as 3 TG16's that I've seen apart.
It's a Core Grafx 1 that I have taken the A revision apart.
I know any DUOs are newer than Core Grafx 1, and they still have non A revisions?
BTW, my Core Grafx 1 has non A versions for VDC and VCE.
tomaitheous wrote: You can tell the difference between the revisions because the A versions have a fix for the audio unit. On the non A revisions, turning on and off a channel causes a fast 'pop'. On the A revision, there's no 'pop'. The reason I found this out was because I was using the TIMER interrupt to refill the channel buffer to playback 44khz sample streams with a 1.4khz timer interrupt. The popping noise at 1.4khz creates a loud buzzing sound on non 'A' revisions.
This is the first difference between HuC6280 and HuC6280A I've ever heard.
Do you mean the "ON" bit found in $804 that you turn on and off?
Very interesting...

Re: HuC6280A Pin Assignment

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:21 pm
by iskk
Charles MacDonald wrote:Here's all the custom chip pinouts. I'm cutting and pasting from my notes so excuse any spelling errors or obvious mistakes. :D
Wow, this is amazing. :shock:
It seems HuC6280A #23 is NC on my Core Grafx 1.
At least it's not pulled up. Could this also be a difference between non A and A revisions?

Thank you for the information.
I think I can start rebuilding the chips I've taken off the board. :)

Re: HuC6280A Pin Assignment

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:06 pm
by tomaitheous
This is the first difference between HuC6280 and HuC6280A I've ever heard.
Do you mean the "ON" bit found in $804 that you turn on and off?
Very interesting...
Yes. Turning off the DAC (or was it on? or maybe both - it's been awhile) in register $804 causes a spike in the channel's audio output. The spike is there regardless of the volume level of the channel. In 'A' revision, this isn't a problem. I suspect developers knew about this, otherwise you'd think they would have swapped out the channel's buffer for extending an instruments effect/sound (like low pass filter progression). Bloody Wolf does this but at a slower rate - I think every 2-3 frames for some instruments.