[Hardware] Analog joypad

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[Hardware] Analog joypad

Post by MooZ »

I think I found the routines that detects and read an analog joypad.
According to Gamesx wiki, only 4 games (all by NEC Avenue) are supporting analogue controllers:
  • Afterburner II
  • Forgotten Worlds
  • Operation Wolf
  • Outrun
This is what you'll see with Operation Wolf:

I attached 2 etripator configuration files for Operation Wolf and Afterburner II.
The code in both games are nearly identical.

Code: Select all

X = 0

joyport = 0

for (count=0; count<5; count++)
{   joyport = 2
    for(Y=0; Y<256; Y++)
    {   A = joyport
        if( (A & 3) == 0 )
    if( Y == 256 )
        NOT FOUND

    joyport = 3
    A = joyport
    Y = A & 0x0F
    out[X++] = tab[Y]

    joyport = 2 

    for(Y=0; Y<256; Y++)
    {   A = joyport
        if( (A & 3) == 1)
    if( Y == 256)
        NOT FOUND

    joyport = 3
    A = joyport
    Y = A & 0x0F
    out[X++] = tab[Y]
tab contains the following values:

Code: Select all

    .db $00, $01, $08, $09, $02, $03, $0a, $0b
    .db $04, $05, $0c, $0d, $06, $07, $0e, $0f 
The out array contains only 4 bit values. They are therefore reassembled. Note that Operation Wolf and Afterburner II seems to do it differently.
Here's the code for Operation Wolf.

Code: Select all

v30 = (out[0] << 4) | out[1]
Y = (out[2] << 4) | out[6]
v31 = unknown_array[Y]
Y = (out[3] << 4) | out[7]
v32 = another_unknown_array[Y]
v33 = (out[4] << 4) | out[8]
v34 = (out[5] << 4) | out[9]
  • v31 contains the vertical axis value.
  • v32 contains the horizontal axis value.
According to the manuals (see below), there are 10 buttons (START, SELECT, A, B, C, D, A', B', E1, E2) and one slider. v30 may contains some button values (at least START and SELECT). Indeed, the value is used to test the RESET combo in Operation Wolf.

Code: Select all

          JSR     joy_analogue
          LDA     $2540
          STA     $2545
          LDA     $2a30
          AND     #$03
          ASL     A
          ASL     A
          STA     <$1d
          LDA     $2a30
          AND     #$c0
          ROL     A
          ROL     A
          STA     <$1e
          ROL     A
          ROL     A
          AND     #$02
          ORA     <$1e
          ORA     <$1d
          EOR     #$ff
          AND     #$0f
          STA     $2540
          EOR     $2545
          AND     $2540
          STA     $254a
          LDA     <$47
          AND     $f77c
          BEQ     lf77b_01
          LDA     $254a
          CMP     #$04
          BNE     lf77b_01
          LDA     $2540
          CMP     #$0c
          BNE     lf77b_01
          JMP     le000_01 ; RESET vector
; the "standard" joypad routine comes next...
Operation Wolf (Japan)-0000.png
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Re: [Hardware] Analog joypad

Post by MooZ »

It seems that the code after l_f6cd is about moving hgfedcba into 0000bagh. Bits a and b being Select and Start.
Anyway the 19 lines of codes that computes this can be reduced to :

Code: Select all

    lda $2a30
    asl A      ; A=gfedcba0 carry=h
    rol A      ; A=fedcba0h carry=g
    bcc l0     ; if(carry != 0) A |= 0x$02
        ora #$02
l0:            ; A=fedcbagh
    eor #$ff
    and #$0f
    sta $2540
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Re: [Hardware] Analog joypad

Post by MooZ »

Here are the scans of the manual:
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Re: [Hardware] Analog joypad

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Apparently according to this blog post, the analog joypad is also supported by Thunder Force.
I'll have to check this.

Any way in order to use the analog sticks, you'll also need a XHE-3.
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Re: [Hardware] Analog joypad

Post by MooZ »

Here're some informations about the XHE-3 and the XE1-AP : https://www.raphnet.net/electronique/xh ... dex_en.php
This will help fill the gaps.

In the meantime I put the code in HuDK : https://github.com/BlockoS/HuDK/blob/ma ... e/analog.s
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Re: [Hardware] Analog joypad

Post by MooZ »

XE-1AP/J and XHE-3 Adapter Documentation by Punch

Archive and more infos here: https://pcengine.proboards.com/thread/6 ... port-games
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