quick list:
.htm, .html, .css, .php, .pcx, .bmp, .xcf, .svg, .svgz, .exe, .dll, .bat, .sh, .cfg, .pro, .am, .in, .ac, .m4, .in, .txt, .list, .iso, .cue, .ovl, .mp3, .wav, .ogg, .fmp, .inc, .sym, .lst, .zel, .pce, .gba, .fxe, .brm
"maximum allowed size is 256 KiB." <-- too small!
no extention <-- like a makefile, ELF, README and much more!
useful for attaching sites that have died
.pcx <-- the only image format pceas will take!
.bmp <-- best image format ever
.xcf <-- GIMP images
.svg <-- vector graphics
.svgz <-- compressed svg
program related
.exe <-- programs for the win kiddies
.dll <-- support file
.bat <-- dos ftw!
.sh <-- script
.cfg <-- config files!
.pro <-- qt project file
.am <-- automake
.ac <-- automake
.m4 <-- automake
.in <-- automake
.txt <-- text files!
.list <-- apt sources files
PCE iso related files
.ovl <-- overlay
HuC/PCEAS related files
.fmp <-- mappy map
.inc <-- asm include
.sym <-- assembly junk
.lst <-- assembly junk
.zel <-- zedit files
ROM related
.pce <-- my poor pce files
.gba <-- PCE emu on GBA!
.fxe <-- PCE emu on gp2x!
.brm <-- bram