Programming Resources

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Programming Resources

Post by MooZ »

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Re: Programming Resources

Post by MooZ »

I found this old doc from 1985 about Rockwell's 6502.
Nothing new there but it's cool to find old docs :)

Code: Select all

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                           Rockwell                           |
|                                                              |
|              666     5555555     000      22222              |
|             6        5          0   0    2     2             |
|            6         5         0   0 0        2              |
|            666666    555555    0  0  0     222               |
|            6     6         5   0 0   0    2                  |
|            6     6         5    0   0    2                   |
|             66666    555555      000     2222222             |
|                                                              |
|         6502 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary          |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_  ___             |
|             Vss |_|1                   40|_| RES <--         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> RDY |_|2                   39|_| CLK2 -->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <-- CLK1 |_|3                   38|_| NC              |
|             ___  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> IRQ |_|4                   37|_| CLK0 <--        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|              NC |_|5                   36|_| NC              |
|             ___  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> NMI |_|6                   35|_| NC              |
|                  _|                      |_    _             |
|        --> SYNC |_|7                   34|_| R/W -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|             Vcc |_|8                   33|_| DB7 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A0 |_|9                   32|_| DB6 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A1 |_|10       6502       31|_| DB5 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A2 |_|11                  30|_| DB4 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A3 |_|12                  29|_| DB3 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A4 |_|13                  28|_| DB2 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A5 |_|14                  27|_| DB1 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A6 |_|15                  26|_| DB0 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A7 |_|16                  25|_| A15 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A8 |_|17                  24|_| A14 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A9 |_|18                  23|_| A13 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A10 |_|19                  22|_| A12 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A11 |_|20                  21|_| Vss             |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        September 1981                                 |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.5                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnem.|Op|NVBDIZC|A#ZBIRX@|~|Description           |Notes      |
|ADC s|6D|**---**| XxX  X |4|Add with Carry        |A=A+s+C   %|
|AND s|2D|*----*-| XxX  X |4|Logical AND           |A=A&s     %|
|ASL d|0E|*----**|  xx    |6|Arithmetic Shift Left |d={C,d,0}<-|
|ASLA |0A|*----**|X       |2|Arithmetic Shift Left |A={C,d,0}<-|
|BCC a|90|-------|     X  |2|Branch if Carry Clear |If C=0(4~)%|
|BCS a|B0|-------|     X  |2|Branch if Carry Set   |If C=1(4~)%|
|BEQ a|F0|-------|     X  |2|Branch if Equal       |If Z=1(4~)%|
|BIT s|2C|**---*-|  **    |4|Bit Test              |A&s        |
|BMI a|30|-------|     X  |2|Branch if Minus       |If N=1(4~)%|
|BNE a|D0|-------|     X  |2|Branch if Not Equal   |If Z=0(4~)%|
|BPL a|10|-------|     X  |2|Branch if Plus        |If N=0(4~)%|
|BRK  |00|--+-1--|    X   |7|Break  (-[S]={PC+2,P})|PC=[FFFEH] |
|BVC a|50|-------|     X  |2|Branch if Overflow Clr|If V=0(4~)%|
|BVS a|70|-------|     X  |2|Branch if Overflow Set|If V=1(4~)%|
|CLC  |18|------0|    X   |2|Clear Carry flag      |C=0        |
|CLD  |D8|---0---|    X   |2|Clear Decimal mode    |D=0        |
|CLI  |58|----0--|    X   |2|Clear Int. disable    |I=0        |
|CLV  |B8|-0-----|    X   |2|Clear Overflow flag   |V=0        |
|CMP s|CD|*----**| XxX  X |4|Compare               |A-s        |
|CPX s|EC|*----**| X**    |4|Compare index register|X-s        |
|CPY s|CC|*----**| X**    |4|Compare index register|Y-s        |
|DEC d|CE|*----*-|  xx    |6|Decrement             |d=d-1      |
|DEX  |CA|*----*-|    X   |2|Decrement index reg.  |X=X-1      |
|DEY  |88|*----*-|    X   |2|Decrement index reg.  |Y=Y-1      |
|EOR s|4D|*----*-| XxX  X |4|Logical Exclusive OR  |A=Axs     %|
|INC d|EE|*----*-|  xx    |6|Increment             |d=d+1      |
|INX  |E8|*----*-|    X   |2|Increment index reg.  |X=X+1      |
|INY  |C8|*----*-|    X   |2|Increment index reg.  |Y=Y+1      |
|JMP s|4C|-------|   *   X|3|Jump                  |          !|
|JSR s|20|-------|   *    |6|Jump to Subroutine    |-[S]=PC+2,!|
|LDA s|AD|*----*-| XxX  X |4|Load Accumulator      |A=s       %|
|LDX s|AE|*----*-| Xyy    |4|Load index register   |X=s       %|
|LDY s|AC|*----*-| Xxx    |4|Load index register   |Y=s       %|
|LSR d|4E|0----**|  xx    |6|Logical Shift Right   |d=->{0,d,C}|
|LSRA |4A|0----**|X       |2|Logical Shift Right   |A=->{0,A,C}|
|NOP  |EA|-------|    X   |2|No Operation          |           |
|ORA s|0D|*----*-| XxX  X |4|Logical Inclusive OR  |A=Avs      |
|PHA  |48|-------|    X   |3|Push Accumulator      |-[S]=A     |
|PHP  |08|-------|    X   |3|Push status register  |-[S]=P     |
|PLA  |68|-------|    X   |4|Pull Accumulator      |A=[S]+     |
|PLP  |28|*******|    X   |4|Pull Status Register  |P=[S]+     |
|ROL d|2E|*----**|  xx    |6|Rotate Left           |d={C,d}<-  |
|ROLA |2A|*----**|X       |2|Rotate Left Acc.      |A={C,A}<-  |
|ROR d|6E|*----**|  xx    |6|Rotate Right          |d=->{C,d}  |
|RORA |6A|*----**|X       |2|Rotate Right Acc.     |A=->{C,A}  |
|RTI  |40|*******|    X   |6|Return from Interrupt |{PC,P}=[S]+|
|RTS  |60|-------|    X   |6|Return from Subroutine|PC={[S]+}+1|
|SBC s|ED|*----**| XxX  X |4|Subtract with Carry   |A=A-s-C   %|
|SEC  |38|------1|    X   |2|Set Carry flag        |C=1        |
|SED  |F8|---1---|    X   |2|Set Decimal mode      |D=1        |
|SEI  |78|----1--|    X   |2|Set Interrupt disable |I=1        |
|STA d|8D|-------|  xX  X |4|Store Accumulator     |d=A        |
|STX d|8E|-------|  y*    |4|Store index register  |d=X        |
|STY d|8C|-------|  x*    |4|Store index register  |d=Y        |
|TAX  |AA|*----*-|    X   |2|Transfer Accumulator  |X=A        |
|TAY  |A8|*----*-|    X   |2|Transfer Accumulator  |Y=A        |
|TSX  |BA|*----*-|    X   |2|Transfer Stack pointer|X=S        |
|TXA  |8A|*----*-|    X   |2|Transfer index reg.   |A=X        |
|TXS  |9A|-------|    X   |2|Transfer index reg.   |S=X        |
|TYA  |98|*----*-|    X   |2|Transfer index reg.   |A=Y        |
|     |XX|       |        |X|Hexadecimal opcode/no. of cycles  |
|        |-      |        | |Flag unaffected                   |
|        |*      |        | |Flag affected                     |
|        |0      |        | |Flag reset                        |
|        |1      |        | |Flag set                          |
|        |+      |        | |Flag set on stack                 |
| N      |N      |        | |Negative status (Bit 7)           |
| V      | V     |        | |Overflow status (Bit 6)           |
| B      |  B    |        | |Break command indicator (Bit 4)   |
| D      |   D   |        | |Decimal mode control (Bit 3)      |
| I      |    I  |        | |Interrupt disable control (Bit 2) |
| Z      |     Z |        | |Zero status (Bit 1)               |
| C      |      C|        | |Carry status (Bit 0)              |
|Mnemonic        |A#ZBIRX@|Description             |Opcode| ~s |
|                |X       |All mode(s) valid       |      |    |
|                |*       |Non-indexed mode valid  |      |    |
|                |x       |X/non-indexed mode valid|      |    |
|                |y       |Y/non-indexed mode valid|      |    |
|                |        |Add XXH to opcode       | +XXH |    |
|                |        |Subtract XXH from opcode| -XXH |    |
|                |        |Add X to no. of cycles  |      | +X |
|                |        |Subtract X from cycles  |      | -X |
| A              |A       |Accumulator             |      |    |
| #n             | #      |Immediate               | -04H | -2 |
| <n             |  *     |Zero page               | -08H | -1 |
| n              |  *     |Zero page (DIRECT mode) | -08H | -1 |
| n,X            |  x     |Zero page indexed (X)   | +08H | +0 |
| n,Y            |  y     |Zero Page indexed (Y)   | +08H | +0 |
| >nn            |   *    |Absolute                | +00H | +0 |
| nn             |   *    |Absolute (EXTEND mode)  | +00H | +0 |
| nn,X           |   x    |Absolute indexed (X)    | +10H | +0 |
| nn,Y           |   y    |Absolute indexed (Y)    | +0CH | +0 |
| LDX nn,Y       |   y    | ditto                  | +10H | +0 |
|                |    I   |Implicit                |      |    |
| a              |     R  |Relative(PC=PC+1+offset)|      | +2 |
| [nn,X]         |      x |Indexed indirect (X)    | -0CH | +2 |
| [nn],Y         |      y |Indirect indexed (Y)    | +04H | +1 |
| [nn]           |       @|Absolute indirect       | +20H | +2 |
|BYTE     n(,...)         |Byte(s) (8-bit)                     |
|BYTE     'string'(,...)  |Byte text string(s)                 |
|DIRECT                   |Zero page addressing mode           |
|EXTEND                   |Absolute addressing mode            |
|RMB      nn(,...)        |Reserve Memory Bytes                |
|WORD     nn(,...)        |Word(s) (16-bit)                    |
| A                       |Accumulator (8-bit)                 |
| P                       |Processor status register (8-bit)   |
| PC                      |Program Counter (16-bit)            |
| S                       |Stack pointer (9-bit, MSB=1)        |
| X                       |Index register X (8-bit)            |
| Y                       |Index register Y (8-bit)            |
| a                       |Relative address (-128 to +127)     |
| d                       |Destination                         |
| n                       |8-bit expression (0 to 255)         |
| nn                      |16-bit expression (0 to 65535)      |
| s                       |Source                              |
| string                  |String of ASCII characters          |
| +                       |Arithmetic addition                 |
| -                       |Arithmetic subtraction              |
| *                       |Arithmetic multiplication           |
| /                       |Arithmetic division                 |
| &                       |Logical AND                         |
| ~                       |Logical NOT                         |
| v                       |Logical inclusive OR                |
| x                       |Logical exclusive OR                |
| <-                      |Rotate left                         |
| ->                      |Rotate right                        |
| [ ]                     |Indirect addressing                 |
| [ ]+                    |Indirect addressing, auto-increment |
| -[ ]                    |Auto-decrement, indirect addressing |
| { }                     |Combination of operands             |
| $                       |Program counter content             |
| %                       |~s = ~s+1 if crossing page boundary |
| !                       |PC = effective address of source    |
| -->                     |Input pin                           |
| <--                     |Output pin                          |
| <-->                    |Input/output pin                    |
|0000H to 00FFH           |Page 0 (see zero page addressing)   |
|0100H to 01FFH           |Page 1 (stack area, 01FFH = start)  |
|XX00H to XXFFH           |Page n (where n=XXH)                |
|FFFAH to FFFBH           |Non maskable interrupt (NMI) vector |
|FFFCH to FFFDH           |Reset (RES) vector                  |
|FFFEH to FFFFH           |Interrupt Request (IRQ) vector      |
|FFFEH to FFFFH           |Break command vector (see BRK)      |
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Re: Programming Resources

Post by tomaitheous »

I didn't know Rockwell made a non 'C' version of the 65x..
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Re: Programming Resources

Post by Arkhan »

How is that other assembler that isnt Magic Kit?
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Re: Programming Resources

Post by MooZ »

Well it's decent but it lacks all the built-in macros of pceas.
It's unable to automatically identify if the operand is a byte or a word.
And afaik it hasn't been updated for a while.
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Re: Programming Resources

Post by Jamtex »

Most of the links are deader then the readership of any website that claims that F1 Pilot is a great title...

Which is a shame :(
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Re: Programming Resources

Post by MooZ »

I'll upload the doc here ASAP.
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Re: Programming Resources

Post by RegalSin »

docs need to be updated, please? alternate storage?
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Re: Programming Resources

Post by MooZ »

As I said in my previous post I'll upload them as soon as possible (maybe this evening).
[edit] half fixed
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Re: Programming Resources

Post by Gravis »

just an FYI, has been updated significantly so that it's easier to understand, specifically HuC's documentation. before it was a total bitch to find something, especially if you werent exactly sure what you were looking for in each section but now that has been fixed as each section contains the documentation for each function inline with a link table at the top. additionally, return types are specified and in some functions the parameters are being explicitly defined, so you know exactly what everything does. there are links for a few functions that have additional information about them and/or examples. one thing not done yet is documenting the directives (like #incbin) at all. perhaps one of you would like to help? :P

this large update should be very helpful to people who are new to using HuC.
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